Financial Neutral

As a CDFA® I have extensive education in the financial and tax implications of financial decisions made during divorce. Working with a couple that has decided to divorce and are on friendly terms is where they may hire a financial neutral. CDFA® professional as a financial neutral is a member of a collaborative divorce team who helps couples find, organize, and understand their financial information and facilitates a process of educating, creating a plan and vision for a settlement. 

Here are just a few things that your CDFA® financial neutral will help you understand and create a good settlement for both parties :

  • Do both parties work, and is the income enough or will support be needed for one party?
  • If one party stays home with the kids, is that still a viable plan, or do they need to go back into the workforce?
  • Will one party keep the house, or will you sell?
  • How are the investments or retirement accounts to be divided?
  • Are there pensions, and how are they managed in divorce?
  • What creative settlements could be done to bridge an income gap in the short-term so that both parties can eventually support themselves?
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