Mediation Support

Mediation is a problem-solving process that gives separating couples the opportunity to make decisions themselves rather than being told what they are going to do by a judge. During this cooperative process, an impartial professional helps the couple define the issues in dispute and reach agreements that are in the family’s best interests. 

A mediator is a neutral third pary that looks at your divorce in an objective way. And because of this, you have a higher level of control over your own divorce, and it is less expensive than hiring an attorney. However, often-time a mediator struggles to understand the financial complexities of the settlements. This is where your CDFA® works with you to create a clearer understanding of financial decisions that need to be made.

Some financial issues that we work through are: 

  • What income is there, and will it be enough for two households?
  • Review of retirement accounts
  • How will the marital home be handled?
  • Analysis of various settlement options to be sure the final settlement will be financially successful for both parties. 

Once there is an understanding of their financial picture the clients will return to the mediator to finish the divorce process. Because the financial issues have been worked through and there is a clear understanding you can go into your final settlement knowing that the decisions you are making are good for both parties.

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